Altered temporal, but intact spatial, features of transient network dynamics in psychosis
Contemporary models of psychosis suggest that a continuum of severity of psychotic symptoms exists, with subthreshold psychotic experiences (PEs) potentially reflecting some genetic and environmental risk factors shared with clinical psychosis. Thus, identifying abnormalities in brain activity that manifest across this continuum can shed new light on the pathophysiology of psychosis. Here, we investigated the moment-to-moment engagement of brain networks (“states”) in individuals with schizophrenia (SCZ) and PEs and identified features of these states that are associated with psychosis- spectrum symptoms...
Individual Variability in Functional Connectivity Architecture of the Human Brain
The fact that people think or behave differently from one another is rooted in individual differences in brain anatomy and connectivity. Here, we used repeated-measurement resting-state functional MRI to explore intersubject variability in connectivity.
Large-Scale Functional Brain Network Architecture Changes Associated With Trauma-Related Dissociation
Dissociative experiences commonly occur in response to trauma, and while their presence strongly affects treatment approaches in posttraumatic spectrum disorders, their etiology remains poorly understood and their phe- nomenology incompletely characterized.